Giraud W. Campbell, D.O.
"A Doctor's Proven New Home Cure for Arthritis."
Parker Publishing Co, Inc., West Nyack, New York. September, 1978.
Good Nutrition and Good Eliminations
Needed to Cure Arthritis.
A woman came back from an expensive health spa still suffering with arthritis and when I gave her the details of the diet cure she got up on her haunches and protested "But doctor, I was just on a diet like that and it didn't work." When she told me about the spa, I asked her if they gave her colonic irrigations. "Oh, it wasn't that kind of a place."
You must transform you home into that kind of a place. The bathroom is as important as the kitchen.
Case History of 24-year-old H. M.
H. M. of N. J. came to me when he was 24, but let's let him tell his own story:
"My fight against arthritis started when I was 17. I first felt less free motion of my spine that gradually aggravated. On and off I had inflammation in my spine. Finally, when I was 23, I began to notice some deformity. The lower back pain came more often. All these years I had been seeing orthopedists who couldn't help me a bit.
Then I learned about Dr. Campbell. After three days my inflammation at the spine was gone completely. With the help of intake of nutritious food like seafood, fruit, bone marrow, and vegetables, and taking care of my bowel every day, I can now establish motion in most of my joints in the spine. Dr. Campbell's way to control arthritis is the most convincing one for me, and I wish everybody who suffers from this dreadful disease could know this way to far better health."
[excerpt another case history, p160-162]
[From Bob's wife]
...One weekend, when we had a three day holiday, we had sealed off a closet door in one of the bedrooms prior to going ahead with that plan to break through a wall and enlarge our living room. Bob was bent over picking up some old plaster-he stood up and said, "Call and make an appointment with Dr. P."
He saw Dr. P, who sent him to a diagnostician, who sent him to an internist. Test after test was done to locate the cause of the pain in the lower back. No one could put his finger on what was causing it. All tests showed everything in good working order. He seemed to be in less pain-possibly because he at least knew that everything that had been checked was okay.
Weeks later he was again feeling miserable. He would be sitting in a chair talking and suddenly would wince and his legs would pull up towards his chest.
He complained of pain in his chest and my first thought was his heart. But then I had another theory. He had broken an ankle when in service and walked on it before it had attention. Because of that, one leg was a little shorter than the other. Perhaps, I said, this was the cause of the backache and just a little correction in his shoe would put the sine back in its proper place. He was ready to try anything. He went to Dr. C, and orthopedist, who X-rayed him extensively.
The next day Dr. C. called. It was Marie Strumpell's arthritis.
Radiation treatment was given at a hospital. The treatment wasn't bad, but the aftereffects were miserable. Bob would come home, have dinner, and in about an hour start upchucking it for several hours. A year later more X-rays were taken. They showed the problem to have been arrested but still concentrated in the spot.
Now several years went by. There were good times and bad. He learned to live with the pain, take aspirin, or soak in a hot tub. Many nights, I would wake to the sound of water running in the bathroom at three or four aM.
He had been an easy-going person. When we first moved here the boys in the neighborhood used to call for him to come out and have a baseball "catch" He helped them build a club house, took them sleigh riding at the park. He was fun to be with, always ready to help neighbors with a project or problem. The change was probably gradual, But suddenly to me he was impossible. It became more difficult to please him. I would hope he would go to bed early so that the kids and I could breather more freely. There were times when I thought of consulting a psychiatrist.
After many miserable months, I talked him into going to see Dr. Campbell..."
(I interrupt the letter here to remind you that I was faced at this point with a man who was conditioned to expect failure. He was told again and again that there was no cure. He was repeatedly told that at best he could only be made more comfortable. Even this was proving to be a hollow promise as his pain continued and became a dreary, heavy way of life.
When I saw him for the first time, I could feel this hopelessness. Although he did not say much, I could sense that he was holding back. "Whatever you have in store for me Doctor, it won't work."
I fought this first. I gave it top priority. I told him of other cases we had treated and the cures that had taken place or were taking place. I showed him X-rays I brought it closer to home for him by relating the "miraculous" progress of his wife's friend who recommended me to her. I could not tell whether I was getting through to hem but I went on anyway with his first weeks' instructions and he left.
Now let's see what happened when he got home. His wife's letter continues:)
"When he came home I asked him what the doctor had said. `He's a nut. It won't work. He's a nut.'
Dr. Campbell had recommended bed rest, but since Bob doesn't get paid unless he works that was impossible. He went on the strict food diet, went to work, came home, showered, went to bed, had dinner and went to sleep. Because all the foods were things he didn't like and could never eat before, I ate exactly what he had. He cooperated. His first visit was on a Tuesday and he was to return the next Monday. I remember a neighbor asking me that morning if I thought Bob would keep the appointment and if he felt any better. I replied that I didn't know whether he felt any better (there hadn't been much conversation other than `ugh' when he saw his dinner), but that I knew I did.
Well, he went that night. He come home from the visit. No remarks this time. He stuck to the diet and in a month was the old Bob everyone liked so well."
Chapter: The seven day program to end arthritic pain and heal joints
Breakfast - none
Lunch - none
Dinner - none
Breakfast - Unsweetened grape or prune juice
Lunch -- Fresh beef liver, preferably raw or lightly sauteed.
Mixed green salad, oil and vinegar dressing.
Bowl of blueberries or other fruit in season.
Dinner - Raw vegetable plate (green peppers, celery, tomatoes, etc.)
Raw fruit salad (shred apples, figs, grapes, bananas, etc, but no citrus fruits).
Take one tablespoon of cod liver oil, twice a day.
Breakfast - Blended raw fruits
8 oz raw certified milk.
Lunch -- Fresh filet of ocean fish lightly sauteed.
Raw cauliflower or other raw fresh vegetable.
8 oz raw certified milk with 1 tbl spoon of powdered brewers' yeast, and
1 tbl spoon of blackstrap molasses.
Dinner - Fresh (or kosher) beef liver lightly sauteed with onions.
Mixed green salads.
Melon, or other fruit in season.
8 oz raw certified milk.
Take one tablespoon of cod liver oil, twice a day.
Breakfast - Prunes or prune juice
8 oz raw certified milk
Lunch -- Veal kidneys, lightly sauteed.
Mixed green salad.
8 oz raw certified milk with 1 tbl spoon of powdered brewers' yeast, and
1 tbl spoon of blackstrap molasses.
Dinner - Halibut steak (or other seafood) broiled.
Raw spinach salad.
Half avocado.
Strawberries, or other fruit in season.
8 oz raw certified milk.
Take one tablespoon of cod liver oil, twice a day
Breakfast - Cantaloupe half or other fruit in season.
8 oz raw certified milk
Lunch -- Half avocado, sliced tomatoes, and watercress.
8 oz raw certified milk with 1 tbl spoon of powdered brewers' yeast, and
1 tbl spoon of blackstrap molasses.
Dinner - Fresh beef liver patties, as rare as you can eat them
Mixed green salad.
8 oz raw certified milk with 1 tbl spoon of powdered brewers' yeast, and
1 tbl spoon of blackstrap molasses.
Take one tablespoon of cod liver oil, twice a day.
Breakfast - Unsweetened grape or prune juice
Veal kidneys, lightly sauteed.
8 oz raw certified milk.
Lunch -- Shrimp salad.
Cantaloupe half, or other raw fruit in season.
8 oz raw certified milk with 1 tbl spoon of powdered brewers' yeast, and
1 tbl spoon of blackstrap molasses.
Dinner - Large chef's salad including raw peas, raw string beans, and other uncooked
vegetables and greens.
Plums, or other raw fruit in season.
8 oz raw certified milk with.
Take one tablespoon of cod liver oil, twice a day.
Breakfast - Sliced bananas.
8 oz raw certified milk.
Lunch -- Lightly broiled filet of sole.
Carrot sticks and watercress.
8 oz raw certified milk.
Dinner - Lightly sauteed sweetbreads.
Raw vegetables mixed in blender.
Honeydew melon or other raw fruit in season.
8 oz raw certified milk.
Take one tablespoon of cod liver oil, twice a day.
Special instructions for all seven days
1. Drink only when thirsty, and only juice of raw fresh fruit, or juices of
raw fresh vegetables, or raw certified milk, or water.
2. Take an enema daily, until charcoal and corn test shows no further need.
3. Continue this diet until heat, swelling, and pain disappear.
4. Add one food per day, only after heat, swelling, and pain disappear, only from
the allowable foods in chapter 7.
For your action
Go shopping for the foods you will eat for the first seven days: Animal organ meats,
fresh ocean fish, fresh vegetables, fresh fruits. Use the seven days of menus at the
close of this chapter as your guide. Begin the seven day program with a one-day fast.
Stay on the program until pain, swelling, and heat are ended.
[note-this book has many X-rays showing degenerated bone in hips and spine, and the same view at various periods after the originals. Persons of all ages demonstrably improved using the Campbell methods].
Dr. Campbell does not state outright that this is a starch free diet, but he has admonitions against bread and almost everything else containing starch. Things we might have trouble with are the bananas, since they are starchy, and tomatoes unless vine-ripened. Certified raw milk is very difficult to obtain in some locations. Replace with cranberry juice blends and have some yoghurt or cottage cheese instead of this milk. Replace bananas with grapes, mangos, raisins, pears, pineapple, apple sauce (but not raw apples), and at least three raw almonds should be eaten every day. One serving of raw celery, raw carrots, or raw cucumber should be eaten every single day, also, but these can be omitted until pain ceases.
The note about enemas makes reference to his methods for indicating transit time through the intestinal tract. 12 to 14 hours maximum. This can be tested by getting some charcoal tablets and taking about 5 or 6 at once, during a meal (whole kernels of corn could be used, if they were not starchy). Nearly every arthritic, but especially those with AS, have extremely long transit times, which we understand now causes too much opportunity for bacterial multiplication. Enemas are done using a weak coffee infusion (not instant). Three cycles with the warm solution held in for as long as possible between evacuations.
Chapter 7 includes citrus fruits and eggs (eggs, prepared unfried, causing no trouble, then an average of two should be eaten daily-very important food source for AS). We can add things like bean sprouts, tofu, cheese, nuts (except cashews and peanuts), artichokes, broccoli (raw or cooked), cauliflower (raw only), sunflower seeds, olives, yams (not candied), beets, Jerusalem artichoke, and eggplant.
Avoid always: Fried products, flour products, rice, potatoes, beans, peanuts, too much sugar, too much of milk products at a time. Overeating can also feed Klebsiella pneumoniae from "dumping," which is a premature progression of bolus through the duodenum (food not properly processed in the stomach).