Hi Cristina,

Here is my answer....

When I moved to Neenah, Wisconsin I got AOL for my internet service (back in 1997). I tried several user names with my name or nicknames or incorporating CPA since I had been a CPA... nothing available.

So what to choose.... Hmmmmm......

I had just moved to the upstairs unit of a duplex. The duplex was on an island where the Fox River empties from Lake Winnebago in Northeastern Wisconsin (river empties from two spots on the lake and converge about 4 miles upstream). Fairly large island, about 4-5 thousand people live on it.

The name of the island is Doty Island.... so I used Dotyisle as my AOL screen name since I could find no other. Used it here as well as my screen name.

That is my story.

Take care,


Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional

AS may win some battles, but I will win the war.

KONK - Keep ON Kicking