Hi Cristina,
Here is my answer....
When I moved to Neenah, Wisconsin I got AOL for my internet service (back in 1997). I tried several user names with my name or nicknames or incorporating CPA since I had been a CPA... nothing available.
So what to choose.... Hmmmmm......
I had just moved to the upstairs unit of a duplex. The duplex was on an island where the Fox River empties from Lake Winnebago in Northeastern Wisconsin (river empties from two spots on the lake and converge about 4 miles upstream). Fairly large island, about 4-5 thousand people live on it.
The name of the island is Doty Island.... so I used Dotyisle as my AOL screen name since I could find no other. Used it here as well as my screen name.
That is my story.
Take care,
Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional