Wow! I post this and the next time I come back it has 5 pages. You guys ROCK! Keep it up.

Jo, my computer has been down so I am using a different one, therefore my scanner can't be used. And that is usually where my technical questions come in. But don't worry....I'll be back!

Teapie, Hi Nancy! It is so good to see you here on the board. It sounds like you really had a good time on the Canadian get-together! I am sooo jealous... I wish I could have been there and seen everyone. If there is a Las Vegas party next year, as there usually is, you, Mark and Tiff should all come for a few days! Mark and I had great fun in 2001. Keep posting Nancy! We ASers can use all the support and love especially from ASers family members...

Chris, Ian and Pete, we do make one big happy medic/firefighter family, eh?

Let's here some more stories you guys! Keep it up...there are some very creative names out there and even if it isn't creative, it is still very interesting!


Don't ever let anyone tell you what you can't do!
~Cheryl~ AS Kicker Extraordinaire