Hey Cristina,... this is a fun thread!
Well,... Mig is my long-time nic-name,
forced on me by a very mean big brother at the wee age of 3 yrs old.
My dumb stupid 7 yr old big brother always called me names (I was the youngest of 3 kids),... he used the 'M' from Melinda, and whenever he wanted to really bug and tease me, he'd call me 'Mig the Pig'
He drove me nuts!!!
My parents tried to make him stop but he wouldn't listen. Look! It's Mig the pig, Mig the pig, Mig the pig
... he loved teasing and torturing me!
Finally he shortened it to Mig (but I still knew what he meant
). Then my Aunts and Uncles (not knowing it's nasty origin) started using it too!
Eventually everyone started calling me Mig (even my parents)
and there was no stopping the onslaught. Finally, I came to like the name, since only my closest friends & family use it. When I am in a big crowd and someone yells out 'Hey Mig' ... I know it will be someone special!
When I first started lurking in KA, I felt an immediate connection to all you fellow spondylitics and so my choice was easy!