Originally Posted By: Sue22
...need to learn some more self discipline. definitely more comfortable working from home, but not quite as productive. but learning tricks to stay focussed.
Funny... My situation is totally the opposite. I am so much more productive at home. I don't have as many "drive-bys" my desk...like none. I get emails and phone calls, but that's about it. I work focused all morning. Then grab lunch a little early and eat while working. Then at noon go for a 25 mile bike ride as long as it takes. Then back to work. My work day ends up being at least 10-12 hours and I end up loving it. I turn on the TV for a little background (I'm a news junky)...I focus on something interesting and then turn it off when it starts to repeat or I really need to focus on what I'm doing. I wonder if I could do this everyday...not sure.
