I don't swim - and there is no pool nearbys anyways! Sooooo, my contribution. This is what I did today:-

Terrif driving today. Great fun. Out in the manege. I did some driving on my own, down to the arena and back to base from. Otherwise I had 'Monsieur' as passenger with me in the vehicle - but not aal the time. Three times around the arena getting the 'corners' correct angle into and out of, keeping 'correct curve'. Then, monsieur 'le maitre' on board, driving between parallel poles, getting into tighter turns but having to keep good 'lines' and good 'curves'. Am learning to guage, plan my course as I approach each section - and look ahead.

Complexity of 'drive' 7/10 : my handling of reins 10/10 : my handling of drive 9/10 : my enjoyment 10/10 : response of pony 10/10. (I was given 10/10 for handling drive but I 'almost' cut one corner too sharply and on first drive lines were not that straight...so, have downmarked myself as think 'they' were being 'kind'! 'Smile'. In fact, two errors so take that down to 8/10 more like!)

Good 30 mins work, brain and body, though not body work-out per se! Think pony 'did' the work-out <LOL>

Nxt time to use the foot board as opposed to having feet on floor of vehicle. Get a better more 'elegeant' outline. And a more complex drive will be set up for me.

Will progress upto 'walking' the course before driving the course totally on my own. IOW: driving dressage.

Roll on nxt week - have elected for same pony. But after that will try out a different pony - by handling different 'responses' will get better experience that way.

Glad I kept my American divided riding skirt, terrif for driving. And I have a nice jacket and a nice hat - and boots. Soooooo - perhaps one day to try and enter for a competition? It is *such fun.

Nxt Thursday morning for more driving. Hope it will be a sunny day nxt time. Mrizzly rain today. Overcast, heavy cloud.


And Yesterday. Half hour physio. Stretching, keeping tall. Working hard on spine and cervicals. Leg extensions and muscle toning. All the butt muscles used alternately. Shoulders, back and down. Good shoulder and costo work. Was tired later, but great. Am 'doing' and succeeding some.


All this thanks to Erika hugss heart 1cup

Molly C (Fr.)

MollyC1i - Riding OutAS