I tried Paddison Program in the past but recently it worked
much better for my RA. The big difference is now I exercise, and take Plaquenil .I do not eat oils and processed foods and I waituntil noon to eat.......For some reason wheat, oil, dairy and excess meat really make my joints swell.
If I can swim, or do stationery bike30 minutes a day, take Plaquenil and eating mostly plant based (not processed junk.... it is night and day) I feel ok, not like death.
The whole foods agree with me, I feel like it’s baby food some days. For example, Green smoothie kale, berries banana for breakfast(noon) , rice and lentils cooked carrots for lunch and for dinner a salad with homemade soup. Oats with cinnamon and raisins work for me. I know this is an AS website...but I thought some folks with RA might stop by like I did in the past.
Diet change has improved my RA. I feel best eating raw veggies and some fruits and avoiding grains, sugars, nightshades, beans and dairy. Sed rate dropped from 65 to 19, but it took over a year.
www.fatsickandnearlydead.com excess fat/oils = pain for me
recipes for raw food on Youtube "raw food romance"
and "healing josephine" Josephine is in remission from RA after two years by change diet/exercise