Hi, I'm posting here as I've made signifcant progress into remission(no pain, still have dandruff and some dry skin, esr within normal range, crp slightly out) and would like to further confirm whether my solution really was what helped me or some other factor. So similar to many of you I used the no starch/elimination diet to deal with my as for around 6-8 months while searching for a cure, my symptoms kept getting worse during this time(evidenced by increased reactivity to carbs as well as new pains).Then around june this year I had what I likely think was my breakthrough after reading this paper
https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/16/9147 and theorizing a bit. Note that I had consumed boric acid before but with no great results. I immediately went to experiment with my little highschool chemistry knowledge to make these https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borate_esters#:~:text=In%20organic%20chemistry%2C%20borate%20esters,contain%206%2Dmembered%20boroxine%20rings. I did this with sugar and borax 1/4 teaspoon borax to 1 teaspoon sugar mixed in water, then microwaved and mixed till clear. I consumed this solution once a day, mostly mixed with meals. When I first started I took about 4x that solution every day for about 1 or 2 weeks. If you find this too sketchy I'm fairly certain a boron citrate powder will also have the same effect as its an organic boron ester just like fructoborate. However, the supplement amounts online are kind of small and will cost a lot more than my solution, you can also buy calcium fructoborate but the dosages are even smaller and will cost a fortune, though I will add that when I took small dosages calcium fructoborate I had much better carb reactivity at the time I just didn't notice it at the time. The reason I think this was probably the breakthrough and not some sort of fluke is because when I took the solution for the first time I took it with a fair bit of sugar and noted that I had absolutely no reaction to the sugar(in the past this would cause a flare pretty quickly). Then after doing this for about 4 days with no reaction to the sugar I ate a large meal of rice and potatoes roughly around 1200 calories with still no reaction. So the reason why I am somewhat certain this was the event is because of the tight timeframe over which this all occured(very unlikely to be coincidence). Much greater benefits came later on in several weeks to months(there were still weird hiccups along the way with random knee flares). Anyways I'd love for you guys to try this and report back to me. Also if this does help you significantly please consider donating a sum relative to the improvement in your life or a relatives(If I could patent this into a pharma drug and make billions I would, alas that is not how healthcare works). Any donated money would fund my lifestyle as well as research and outreach efforts into using this for other diseases(I suspect if this truly does help as it would work for many other diseases as well, its a pain to explain but I researched many autoimmune conditions and conditions that are suspiciously similar to autoimmune conditions just not labelled yet). Peace and much love : )
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