Greetings All

I have a very strange technique learned from an Angel, Yes that's correct an Angel who helped me before to straiten my back. It warmed the center of my forehead for about 30 minutes which felt like pure love really and my spine began to loosen up completely ( At that time my spine was not fused and A.S was really active). Time passed and my A.S continued over many years and my spine degraded over time. The Angel didn't cure me but it help me over a long period. I guess the reason is because A.S is genetic.

For those that don't belive in Angels etc thats fine and great.
Anyone wanting to know more just Ask.

Whats important from my experience is that I learned that if you warm the center of your forhead for a period at a point, you feel relaxed, pain relief in your neck and back. I couldn't simulate the complete experience just the warm feeling on the forehead which is similar ( Excluding the bliss feeling and level of effectiveness ).

I used a temperature controlled soldering iron with a chiseled tip @ around 65-70 deg C hot enough so it doesn't burn the skin on the hand on the lowest setting on the soldering iron, then placed it on the center of the forehead ( you could move it around that area to which feels best)
long enough to feel some kind of relief. I found it does work.

All the best
