Hi, boz:

Should i not see some bettering of stiffness after 4 days of water fasting, if AS is the case?

Yes, considerable improvement.

Regret You did not experience relief, but congratulations on doing the fast!

In every case to date, of those with AS able to try the fast, almost every one experienced symptom reduction. In fact in cases where NSD is not very effective, fasting has still helped.

Based upon even my considerable experience with fasting and AS, I would still be unable to rule it out, and would consider whether You have found relief with steroids or NSAIDs, whether B27 positive, family history, etc.

There are usually explanations, but these are sometimes difficult to discover. If You have elevated inflammatory markers during flare, it would be interesting to note what it was prior to fast. I can get ESR measured on demand here in Philippines, and have done a lot of experimentation: Early days of diet, I could easily control my ESR through fasting/diet/antibiotics. I am no longer such a useful test subject.

Good Luck with Your diagnosis and I hope Your condition is much easier than AS.
