yeh, the other problem here on the east coast is that when its 90, its 90% humidity!

ok, maybe not quite, but the humidity is the real killer. even in the shade it feels "hot".

i remember when i went out to wyoming in high school to camp with the scouts. it was hot but so dry i didn't realize how hot it was and thus in the process got a nasty burn on my back that scabbed up something awful. and remember when you got in the shade, it actually felt cool.

grew up in southern new jersey so used to the humidity. its worse there. you just move slowly and conserve your energy on hot humid days. and when younger, lots of ice cream and other frozen treats and the beach. ah, yes, today is definitely a beach day! unfortunately rather land locked and the great lakes are not a good substitute for the ocean. something about that salt air! i can smell it now! and can hear the cry of the seagulls as well! when i retire, want to sell everything and move to the outerbanks.


Spondyloarthropathy, HLAB27 negative
Humira (still methylprednisone for flares, just not as often. Aleve if needed, rarely.)
LDN/zanaflex/flector patches over SI/ice
vits C, D. probiotics. hyaluronic acid. CoQ, Mg, Ca, K.
walk, bike
no dairy (casein sensitivity), limited eggs, limited yeast (bread)